The phase of Development Up to 13 years old

There is an overwhelming amount of tools available when it comes to guide an adult into his or her desired profession, but there are barely any when it comes to help children and teenagers find their way into their future vocation. Ironically, this early age is the phase in life when we have the physical time and the brain plasticity to shape our future in the best way possible.

In this phase, it will be then crucial to detect those areas where the student demonstrates natural potential and find ways to strengthen them so they become unique talents in the future. These are the variables that will later determine the student´s vocation, and help him or her shine in it.

I would say this phase in life along with the next one “the preparation stage” are the most crucial in the life of any individual. Please visit our services section to find out more about the way we work with our students.

+info The Human Brain

The phase of Development Up to 13 years old

There is an overwhelming amount of tools available when it comes to guide an adult into his or her desired profession, but there are barely any when it comes to help children and teenagers find their way into their future vocation. Ironically, this early age is the phase in life when we have the physical time and the brain plasticity to shape our future in the best way possible.

In this phase, it will be then crucial to detect those areas where the student demonstrates natural potential and find ways to strengthen them so they become unique talents in the future. These are the variables that will later determine the student´s vocation, and help him or her shine in it.

I would say this phase in life along with the next one “the preparation stage” are the most crucial in the life of any individual. Please visit our services section to find out more about the way we work with our students.

+info The Human Brain


The phase of preparation 13 to 18 years old

The students who will be accepted to the best universities begin to prepare themselves during the last four years of school attendance. These years are a decisive period in the student`s life, as every decision they make, and every academic result that they obtain will determine what schools they get into and as a result, the types of jobs they can access.

It is then crucial in this phase to determine the student´s long-term academic and professional objectives and draft a plan, or “CV” , with all of the academic and extra-curricular experiences the university admission committees will value.


The phase of preparation 13 to 18 years old

The students who will be accepted to the best universities begin to prepare themselves during the last four years of school attendance. These years are a decisive period in the student`s life, as every decision they make, and every academic result that they obtain will determine what schools they get into and as a result, the types of jobs they can access.

It is then crucial in this phase to determine the student´s long-term academic and professional objectives and draft a plan, or “CV” , with all of the academic and extra-curricular experiences the university admission committees will value.

Why is it important to begin thinking about university so much time in advance?

To study in a prestigious university is a task that grows ever more difficult. If it was already hard to apply to an Ivy League thirty years ago, now it is even more difficult. This is a simple question of supply and demand. There are more students now for the same places. For example the United States alone has seen a rise in international applicants of 40% in the past 15 years.

This fact has pushed many institutions to make their entry requirements even more difficult, which enables them to select from among the most brilliant students in the world. Admissions officials are no longer satisfied with good grades and some extra-curriculars, they look for what is known as D.E. “Distinguishable Excellence.”

According to the student’s desired vocation, we will help them to complete a well-rounded curriculum and achieve that D.E. that will make them shine in the admissions process. Please visit our services section to better understand how we work with our students.

Why is it important to attend a prestigious university?

A prestigious university offers three things other schools generally cannot offer: 1) a quality of teaching that will prepare you better for the future 2) a privileged access to the jobs market you wish to enter and 3) a highly qualified alumni that will become a valuable future network of professional contacts.

This is why it is always a more interesting choice. But remember, better does not always mean “more expensive”, sometimes it is the exact opposite. It is your preparation what makes the difference.


The Training PhaseUniversity Students

When a student enrolls in a university his primary objective should focus on training those soft and hard skills that will be valued by the future jobs market he or she wishes to tackle. This training does not only take place within the walls of the university but also outside.

Therefore in this stage it will be interesting to complete the student´s CV with academic and extra-curricular experiences that will strengthen his or her skills and make him attractive to the Human Resources Departments. It is also in this phase we will help the student to begin to develop their professional network.


The Training PhaseUniversity Students

When a student enrolls in a university his primary objective should focus on training those soft and hard skills that will be valued by the future jobs market he or she wishes to tackle. This training does not only take place within the walls of the university but also outside.

Therefore in this stage it will be interesting to complete the student´s CV with academic and extra-curricular experiences that will strengthen his or her skills and make him attractive to the Human Resources Departments. It is also in this phase we will help the student to begin to develop their professional network.

I feel I am in the wrong university enrolled in the wrong major ¿Is it too late to change? ¿What options are ther for me?

Some students come to our offices with the same doubt. When this happens we will ask them the following question: “Did your choice of university and major have anything to do with your true talents and interests, or was it motivated by other external factors?”

Many times our entourage induces us directly or indirectly into career paths that not always fit with our true skills and abilities. Nevertheless, there are many ways today to redirect our career or studies… The question is not about how will you get around this process of “changing your career path” but what and where you would really like to be.

The most important aspect of our services at True Horizon is that we help our students to work through an intense process of introspection in order to get to know where their innate talents lie and, with this information, we help them draft a plan that will take them to that place where they will truly shine.

It is never too late to change, but the sooner one starts, the better. Please visit our services section to better understand how we work with our students.

I am happy with my university and major, but I feel my university does not have access to the jobs market I am interested in ¿What can I do?

Not all educational institutions have the resources at hand to respond to the students needs and objectives. This is not because the university is not interested in it, but because it might not have the resources, the industrial relations, the prestige or simply it is not placed in the best geographical location…

Nevertheless, there are always ways to complement your resume outside of the classroom, as well as different strategies to penetrate the labor markets. Please visit our services section to better understand how we work with our students.


The Phase of SpecializationAdults & Professionals

The adult that enters this stage of life tends to be a university graduate operating in a professional context that values his or her unique talents. At this point in time it will be important to start thinking how to take this unique skills into the next level, therefore turning abilities into competitive advantages within a given industry.

In this stage our guidance counselors will help you redefine your career goals, taking you a step higher in the industry ladder. Therefore, we will help you transition from a professional into a leader and an expert within your field.


The Phase of SpecializationAdults & Professionals

The adult that enters this stage of life tends to be a university graduate operating in a professional context that values his or her unique talents. At this point in time it will be important to start thinking how to take this unique skills into the next level, therefore turning abilities into competitive advantages within a given industry.

In this stage our guidance counselors will help you redefine your career goals, taking you a step higher in the industry ladder. Therefore, we will help you transition from a professional into a leader and an expert within your field.